Virtual Instructor Led Training
“We believe that human capital drives business success and that people have become the key competitive differentiator in today’s knowledge and skill based economies“
We deliver Virtual Facilitator-Led Training using our expert facilitators, and engagement with learners uses enabling communication technology software such as MS Teams, Zoom, and Google Meets, depending on suitability. Our facilitators ensure that remote or virtual training learners actively engage in learning. We pivoted our solutions and customised delivery to ensure that the value and quality of our training remain consistent.
More about Virtual Instructor Led Training
Delivered in a virtual or simulated environment, Virtual Instructor Led training places the facilitator and learners in separate locations.
This type of training delivery is synchronous, designed to mimic a traditional classroom. Synchronous training means that learners and facilitators engage in the learning process on a fixed schedule at the same time. The alternative is asynchronous learning, where learners engage in self-directed learning and must complete the course within a predefined timeframe.
Recently, virtual instructor-led training has grown due to the pandemic’s impact and the fast evolution of internet-based activity.
It has transformed how millions of people learn on and off the job.
Tools and requirements for virtual training include the following:
- Accessible learning content in various structures, including interactive PDFs, videos, eBooks and video conferencing, applies to this type of training.
- Facilitators in this setting are dynamic and transfer their traditional training methodologies and knowledge to the virtual delivery environment.
- Virtual classes have great potential to reduce training costs due to the elimination of travel and accommodation costs.
- Courseware uses a modular approach and is delivered in short, incremental sessions to complete independently or with other learning programmes.
- Virtual training can be scalable and increases the potential for diverse learners in a class because of the geographic location of learners on a programme.
Virtual classrooms create convenient, accessible and centralised learning spaces when you cannot use traditional training.
Learners can access learning content and facilitation from wherever and sometimes at any time.
Virtual training offers both structure and freedom to learners, including online assessments, uploading assignments, projects and homework.
Learners can access presentations or collaborate in discussions with other learners in different locations.
It is suitable to accommodate working adults juggling time and responsibilities because of a predefined learning schedule.
It expands the learners' worldview because they interact with other learners in other parts of the country and sometimes globally.
Get in touch
For more information on how our training solutions can maximise your companies potential.