Turnkey or Hosted Solutions

“We believe that human capital drives business success and that people have become the key competitive differentiator in today’s knowledge and skill based economies“


Persons with a Disability learners account for 10% of our annual upskilled learners, demonstrating our commitment to this group.

We achieve our objectives by working with partners specialising in workforce management, recruitment, disability sensitivity and inclusivity. Learners who receive training are able to enter the workforce and contribute effectively. As a result, many of our learning candidates progress from unemployed status to absorption into successful placement with client companies. In addition, our demand-driven approach results in learners earning ability while learning. 

Skills development solutions are most effective when they equip learners with the necessary tools to overcome barriers through knowledge and proactivity.

We build disability confidence in all learners as we integrate this critical success factor into our programmes. We support them individually and transition learners from a disadvantaged and excluded demographic to become empowered champions in our economy. 

People Solutions partners with key strategic organizations to provide hosted learnership programs for people with disabilities. Through this collaboration, companies can outsource the complete function of recruitment, implementation of learnerships, and placement of learners at national hosted sites. 

At the host sites, learners are fully managed and mentored by skilled partners who will provide them with authentic workplace experience during their 12-month learnership. When the learners complete a learnership and gain relevant work experience, they become more employable and work-ready. 

This positive result adds value to both the hiring company and communities. Our partnership with our recruitment partner, one of the leading recruitment companies in South Africa, enables us to hire these skilled employees.

More about Turnkey or Hosted Solutions

A Turnkey Training solution for clients creates instant, standardised solutions to enhance their training needs. For a specific job role, People Solutions provides content required to develop competencies, knowledge, skills objectives, learning resources and assessments.
The solution provides learning and development for a functional area, and it can provide a progression plan that navigates job roles within functional areas of the business. The assessments accompanying a turnkey or hosted solution provide an ideal evaluation of learners who move from one active place to another within the company. This methodology increases opportunities to upskill, reskill and cross-skill candidates to thrive in the organisation.
With the turnkey or hosted solution we offer, clients can train new employees in the required skills and knowledge objectives for their job roles, preparing learners for the workforce and meeting the employer client’s needs. In addition, turnkey Solutions result in a positive Return on Investment (ROI) for businesses who want a formula designed to combat skills gap challenges in the organisation as quickly as possible.

By definition, turnkey solutions provide a comprehensive training solution ready for immediate use, and unlike other training interventions, it requires minimal preparation, is efficient, and is a practical training that delivers ROI quickly.

Steps In The Turnkey Solution Process

  • Identify critical stakeholders from Client Business and People Solutions
  • Meeting with key stakeholders to outline the full scope of work
  • Present detailed project plan for implementation
  • Signing of commercials
  • Initiate project plan and signing of commercials with various vendors

Get in touch


For more information on how our training solutions can maximise your companies potential.